New to ZZ Sales Systems’ Productivity Suite is our Account Management app. It is a framework for creating an account planning process for retaining and growing strategic accounts.
The account planning methodology is dynamic with an emphasis on action. It focuses on aligning your company with the key drivers and initiatives of the customer organization and their key players.
Key elements of the methodology include:
Current Landscape - Account Profile, Customer Focus, Key Players, Customer Initiatives, Your Company’s Solutions and Services.
Financial/Revenue Overview - White Space Opportunities, Active Sales Opportunities, Revenue Projections, Investments, and Account Roll-up.
Account Development Plan - Action Plan with the Support Needed (What, Who, When).
If your company needs help executing your account planning strategy, or you need help creating an effective account planning strategy, contact us for a free consult.
Managing Partner - 719-351-2415
Managing Partner - 404-918-9524
For a complete overview of ZZ Sales Systems’ productivity suite, click here.